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Thread: 35pt eMorghoul List - Skorne

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    Junior Member
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    Austin TX

    35pt eMorghoul List - Skorne

    Hello all. I am new to posting on these forums, and I quite enjoy WM/ Hordes.
    I use this list quite often in casual games, and it does well so long as I pay very close attention to what's going on on the board (it's not very forgiving).

    Lord Assassin Morghoul - -6
    Molik Karn - 11
    Cyclops Brute - 5
    Razorwurm - 4

    Bloodrunners - 5
    Nihilators (min) - 5
    Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) - 2
    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - 1
    Tyrant Rhadiem - 5
    Totem Hunter - 3

    eMorghoul is considered one of the least powerful warlocks in Skorne, but it's just too much fun to have the option of taking out a heavy in one turn with your warlock (it's happened).
    For those not familiar, he favors lists that support him, rather than lists that need warlock support to function well. If he gets into melee with a caster, the game is usually over soon after.

    The list operates with a number of assassination pieces running around and threatening enemy casters from different vectors. It creates distractions and divides attention with the Totem Hunter, Rhadiem, Molik Karn, and eMorghoul himself. The Razorwurm provides Morghoul and other low armor infantry with protection from blast damage, while the Brute provides protection from knockdown (both things the Morghouls are very weak against, being high defense, low armor warlocks). The Bloodrunners and Nihilators get applied where I need them depending on the opponent. They aren't there to survive a long game so much as tie things up for a turn or two while my assassination threats get in there kill what they need to kill.

    As I haven't played it against a staggering variety of opponents, it would be nice to have any glaring weaknesses pointed out, as I am quite sure they exist.
    I'm thinking it would be my list for playing against other Hordes armies.
    Last edited by Discoduck; 10-26-2011 at 09:20 PM.

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