I think it might be best to come back to this discussion once we see how the turnout is for the first few months. if there's only 6 people and you try to give out 4 or 5 awards, everyone is basically going home with their 5 bucks they put in. and really we haven't seen much more than 6 to 10 people per event last year. might have been the schedule but we don't know for sure. I would think that until we grow the size a bit we should stick to 1st 2nd and 3rd.
Once we do grow a bit and have the buy in to do more prizes, I think a random drawing is definitely better than a sportsmanship prize. if a group has no problems with sportsmanship (like ours, it's great), then sportsmanship votes become comp votes, like Rob pointed out. best painted is a popular one in GW games, but those systems try to encourage painting and often require painting at larger events. WM/H almost never requires painting, and I don't think we want to introduce that here. the same newer players that might need the incentive to play when they don't feel like they can hit top three will also be the ones that don't like the requirement to paint really well to have a shot at getting a prize. I think if we want an additional prize it should be a random draw done at the end of the event to encourage people not to drop.