Librarian with 4 powers
Techmarine, all grenades
5 Purifiers, all halberd, assault cannon razorback
5 Strikes, 1 hammer, 1 sword, 3 halberds assault cannon razorback
10 Terminators, Justicar Thawn, 2 Hammers, 2 Psycannons, 3 Halberds, 2 Swords
Dreadknight with PT, Sword, Incinerator
Dreadknight with PT and Incinerator
Note that you cannot use the Personal Teleporters on a scout move, per the GW FAQ. Which is dumb, but who cares. Make them Outflanking Dreadknights and Reserve the whole army. Turns out Jump Infantry MCs are badasses when the come from the side of the board (especially when they can drop a 6/4 Flamer 12" from where they come in).
You could drop strikes or purifiers to get some Paladins, but I don't think that's your best option. Also Draigo for a cheaper GKGM, but Draigo really is an epic badass, so quite fun for a new guy to have around.