2500 Pts - Lizardmen

Slaan Mage-Priest (1 , 540 pts)
(Battle Standard Bearer)

Divine Plaque of Protection - 2+ Ward Save vs ranged attacks. [30]
Standard of Discipline 1 Unit has +1 leadership but cannot use General's inspiring presence [15]
Focus of Mystery - The Mage-Priest knows every spell from one lore. [0]
Higher State of Consciousness - The Mage-Priest is immune to non-magical attacks. [50]
The Becalming Cogitation - Before any spells are cast in the enemy magic phase, nominate one
enemy wizard within 24". Any of his power dice that roll 6s are
The Focused Rumination - The Mage-Priest adds one "free" power die to each spell cast. [50]

Saurus Warriors (30 , 348 pts)
Musician ; Standard Bearer

Saurus Warriors (30 , 348 pts)
Musician ; Standard Bearer

Saurus Warriors (30 , 348 pts)
Musician ; Standard Bearer

Ancient Stegadon (6 , 275 pts)
Ancient Stegadon

Salamander (10 , 160 pts)
Salamander Hunting Pack X2
Extra Handlers X8

Salamander (10 , 160 pts)
Salamander Hunting Pack X2
Extra Handlers X8

Chameleon Skinks (5 , 60 pts)
Chameleon Skinks Chameleon Skinks (5 , 60 pts)

Chameleon Skinks (5 , 60 pts)
Chameleon Skinks Chameleon Skinks (5 , 60 pts)

Skink Priest (1 , 90 pts)
Skink Priest
Dispel Scroll 1 Once per battle, automatically dispels an enemy spell. [25]

Skink Priest (1 , 105 pts)
Skink Priest
Cube of Darkness 1 As Dispel Scroll. In addition roll a D6 - on a 4+ all Remains in
Play spells are removed from play and the magic phase ends.[40]

Total Cost: 2494

Thoughts are: List is very versatile and denies points while maximizing damage output on their units. At least what I have seen so far in testing.