So, when I roll up to the 40K table I'm there to have fun first and worry about winning second. That's not to say I don't want to be competitive, that's part of the fun. But I don't sweat getting stomped by Thomas' Demons (watching my power fist sergeant get waxed by a herald of tzeentch is just funny) or getting paired up to the occasional leaf blower, a totally legal, competitive list that is fairly popular.
I didn't get blown off the table today, but my buddy did and it got me to wondering. How can I deploy my army on the table against Mech IG, go second, and get my ghetto terminators (you know, the one armed TH/SS Termies that drive people crazy on BoLS) across the board. And how can I do this in the silliest manner possible.
Here is my answer
Darnath Lysander
Space Marine Librarian (PA only)
5 man TH/SS Terminators, Dedicated Land Raider Crusader w/ EA/MM
2x Tac Squad powerfist/melta/multimelta/Rhino
Tac Squad powerfist,combi-plasma/plasmagun/multimelta/Rhino
3x 5 man Assault Squad w/ Rhino
Get a nice, big, LOS blocking piece of terrain. Hide your Plasma Tac squad and all of your assault squads behind it on foot. (with the objective if it's capture&control).
Deploy the empty Rhinos as your outer layer of cover, the two melta tac squad rhinos and the empty plasma rhino behind the assault rhinos. LandRaider behind them. If you can take advantage of cover to get some hull down saves go for it. If not, screw it, it's 5th edition, quit yo whining. (Judicial Cheesing during terrain placement would of course be in theme, also feel free to deploy your vehicles parallel to the long table edge, move up, and rotate 90 degrees for that extra couple inches of movement. If you aint cheatin you aint trying)
Turn 1: Whatever Rhinos are left move forward, hopefully you can smoke some empty Rhinos and give cover to full rhinos and the raider, if not smoke your full Rhinos and the Raider. If nothing in the open is left, take pleasure in how silly being able to wipe out 6 rhinos and a land raider in one turn of shooting truly is.
Turn 2: Run forward whatever is left, smoke 'em if you got 'em (I prefer Marlboros myself)
Turn 3: Empty Rhinos (give thanks to the divine intervention that got them there) Tank Shock. Melta Rhinos do that Melta that they do so well. Land Raider Dumps Lysander, Termies and the power armor only librarian (also known as little timmy extra wounds for some extra wound allocation cheese) and multiple assault like there's no tomorrow.
Turn 4: Everythings gone to hell at this point anyways, no point planning anything else out. Hopefully your 15 assault marines and the plasma tac squad can hop out and contest or grab some objectives. (See above with regards to interventions by your deity of choice)
When the leaf blower wins anyways, take solace in the fact that you got some laughs out of it. Cause it would have blown your heavy marine list to hell too![]()