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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2010

    Dropzone updates!

    Just a state of things post.
    We now have 6 active players on the table with armies!
    At least that many are building armies.

    Great Hall Games put together a list of items to stock in store.
    So we can expect to see stuff on the shelves soon.
    Be sure to talk to them about special orders.

    Talked to GH about running events. Even though we play on Sundays
    they would prefer events be on Saturdays.

    We are not ready to start events just yet, but we need to talk about this kind of thing
    now. The group is growing fast. We just need to start planning for the next step in the
    play groups growth.

    We have been running demo games the last two weeks. Anybody interested come on down.
    Just give us a heads up here that your coming so we have an army waiting for you!

    Next meet up is this Sunday 3:00pm at GH.

  2. #2
    Regarding Saturdays, I guess to start the discussion on availability and how feasible it is for the group, I can do Saturdays.

    What kinds of things are GHG planning on stocking on the shelves? Any newer plastic kits like Annihilators or Destroyers? Or just the stuff from 1.1?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    They are going to start small an see if we keep growing.
    As I understand it, they will start with all the plastic starters, small transports for all factions, and each factions heavy units.

    The kinds of things people need to get started and their first logical units for expanding their forces.

    Then they will work with each customer on their specific needs. This is based on one conversation an is subject to change I am sure.

    Please note you guys control this. Place orders with them for what you need, GH has always been super with special orders.
    Last edited by Fang27; 08-19-2014 at 10:04 AM.

  4. #4
    That's awesome, Larry. Great job on the continued communication with GHG. We should probably advise them to carry command cards for each faction, the commander for each faction (even if it's just one of each for cards/commander) and both rulebooks as well.

    I'm also to the point where I'm pretty sure I can field at least 1000 points for Scourge, UCM and Shaltari, so I'm happy to bring them for people to test, and especially for new players to demo with.

    I'll have to sync with the family on Saturdays, but I think I should be able to make it most weeks. Works better for football season, too. :-)

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by BDub View Post
    Not to gloat ... but I have both the new book, and a starter set for the Resistance. The former is ALL MINE BWAHAHAHA! (although I'll bring it Sunday), but I was seriously considering using the Resistance starter as a prize for our first "tournament" (in quotes because I don't want to do a hardcore tournament, but continue our friendly play). Maybe we can do a multi-week, escalation style tournament with the starter as a prize?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Khealos's Avatar
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    Austin, TX
    That is great news, Larry. It will be nice to get stuff locally.
    "Inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist."
    George Carlin

  8. #8
    How do the Resistance units look rules-wise? Is their style of play discernible from reading the book?

  9. #9
    Senior Member BDub's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Damios View Post
    How do the Resistance units look rules-wise? Is their style of play discernible from reading the book?
    I would say play style depends wildly on whether you go Feral Resistance or not. The resistance has to potential to be a swarm army, particularly if your go Feral. Ferals rely more heavily on Technicals and Wartrucks/Wagons.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BDub View Post
    I would say play style depends wildly on whether you go Feral Resistance or not. The resistance has to potential to be a swarm army, particularly if your go Feral. Ferals rely more heavily on Technicals and Wartrucks/Wagons.
    Oh man, I already know exactly what I'm doing with my Resistance. I'm excited

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