I agree with your sediment, but think that's a bit harsh. And the argument of "your game is just as bad" is pretty weak. Should the warmahordes guys come and trash talk about Fantasy? No, that's not really the point of this thread. Should other people share their opinions of Fantasy to people interested? Sure, but i also think you need to check the perspective of the people giving you those opinions. I think getting that infomation about Fantasy from people who currently play Fantasy is probably more valid...but still, that doesn't negate the experence of people who played fantasy and found it not to their liking.
These games are different. Ask the people who play them what they are like, then ask to play with them. Develop your own opinion and don't listen to the internet.
Also, I thought the Derp-Derp comment was about Sam. /truestory
your right, they are! imagine that. Two people who have played the game and realized it's not fun. We didn't explain it in detail but that's best done in person. We were just puting out warnings not to just jump into it is all.
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
i know warmachine/hordes is a good game. You don't have to tell me that. I was specifically curious about the High Elf Army. My purchasing and playing fantasy does not all get in the way of Warmahordes, Metal Models do. As soon as they move all the way away from metal, I'm in.
Did they make white lions plastic? If so you should be good to go making a high elf list without metal(finecast, whatever)