Originally Posted by
First - Nick isn't to blame on this - it falling off and no one being the head of it is to blame. Nick ran the 40k tournament. I don't think anyone was assigned the paint judging and it was hurt because of that. I didn't have a list of winners or else I would have spoken about them. I am not sure why there was no list - but again I know I and Nick were not in charge of the painting judging etc.
So what this means is - we need someone to just take it on and do it. Last year we had Jay do it - and this year he didn't want too. No one stepped in and thus it suffered and looked bad. As we take a break, then prepare for next year we need to look at it and actually assign someone to the task of wrangling the "votes" together.
I do agree we should have them out to show - the issue being we need display cases that actually close and keep these models from grubby hands. We need to also determine and define what wins and what doesn't. I didn't have a list of what kind of "awards" or acknowledgments needed to get said. I don't even know who was doing the judging. Heck I screwed up my judging as well due to issues of having to run around and do it and lack of names on things. Lots of stuff that will get discusses and fixed for next year.
I think it would have been better to just discuss this instead of posting etc - I know we don't hang out like we all used too but we could at least just talk, figure it out, and make it better if there is a next time for the paint judging. I do agree it sucked and I when I had people asking about it afterwards I was upset for the lack of coverage.
So in order to turn this around to be constructive we need this
1. Dedicated Head Judge - Someone that is herding these cats
2. A set of judges that help make a decision -
3. Dedicated "trophies" or prizes. Something simple at the very least so the time the competitors spent on the models feels viable.
4. Set up a better viewing area or at least case to show these models off. People didn't know about the contest and it would be great to showcase all of these.
Again this is far off and we all need to wind down but someone needs to be the general of this ship in order to determine if we still need to sail it out to see. Pointing fingers and getting upset - while proving valid points - just makes people upset when we need to just concentrate on doing the job in a much better and effective way.
Lord that probably went all over the place - my eyes are effed by doing reports all day.