I haven't used them in years and its time to do some housecleaning so maybe someone else can get some use out of them. Everything could probably use a little love. I don't really have the capacity for good photos at the moment, but I can figure something out if I need to.

metal flying tyrant, double scything talons
metal dakka-fex
venom cannon fex w/ scything
custom built metal spider-genestealer thing I made ages ago
3 warriors (2 scyth-gun, scythe-venom)
2 ravenors (metal)
2 metal lichtor
2 biovore, one old, one REALLY old, both metal
2 zoanthropes (metal)
canifex w venom cannon and barbed primed
custom broodlord, unpainted
NIB warriors
3 ripper swarm bases, 1 unpainted
11 termagaunts, a few random guns
27 hormagaunts
48 genestealers regular
8 stealers w scything
9 spore mines

I'll sell it all for $80 OBO.