Quote Originally Posted by Darkwynn View Post
Its more then that Adam. That is what the company is blaming it on but that is a red herring. Their market cap is 37 million at best right now depending how the stock goes up and down. They are dropping 30% BPS a day. They can't loose that much money in a Quarter like that again on their scale or really even lossing around 9 million a qtr is way to much.

They have 69million outstanding shares roughly and they are going to be delisted off the Nasdaq. That doesn't spell doom for them but they will need private capital to keep them up and running because they won't get it from the market. They are going to shrink to 20% of what they were before.

Just by lookign at that they can't blame that on their Uaware device, or anything else on their kids liscenses. There is a lot more otherwise you would see the stock not dive bombing like it is. The market and the investors are seeing that also. When the company goes back to being private it will be able to hold off one or two titles and that is it. I doubt it will be Gamesworkshop titles either.

Expect Relic and Vigil to be sold off and their other studios also. That and if you know people who work for THQ help them find another job as I am sure they are all worried right now.
I /agree with you, after doing some more reading:

It's pretty clear the management is to blame for this. they were the ones making the calls and they were wrong. and it's going to cost THQ a lot. and unfortunately, gamers will also suffer for not having more good games made.