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Thread: Pick up game Monday

  1. #1

    Pick up game Monday

    Anyone down? Any point value 1500-2000. I can play marines or Eldar. Havent played a game with the new elves yet. Marines are iron hands bikers, Eldar are mostly aspect warriors with one squad of wraithguard as only S. No scatt bikes or knight.

    Time would be around 2-3, but most times work. DL or Mages Sanctum.

    "ok now that makes a lot of sense. yes you are correct ultramarines are the most boring version of the most boring army which is space marines." -Noodlers

  2. #2
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I wouldn't mind getting a game in, but I'm not available until like 4:30-ish (maybe a bit earlier but not much). Dragons Lair is preferable for location for me.I would like to try out a 2,000 point list, it would be marines with a possible knight ally ... I'm up for trying it against whatever you want to bring.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ViscountAlexandru View Post
    I wouldn't mind getting a game in, but I'm not available until like 4:30-ish (maybe a bit earlier but not much). Dragons Lair is preferable for location for me.I would like to try out a 2,000 point list, it would be marines with a possible knight ally ... I'm up for trying it against whatever you want to bring.
    Let me check, Ill tell you by tomorrow before noon.
    Also dont know why I said monday, should have just said tomorrow.

    "ok now that makes a lot of sense. yes you are correct ultramarines are the most boring version of the most boring army which is space marines." -Noodlers

  4. #4
    Alright yea im open today at 4:30.

    "ok now that makes a lot of sense. yes you are correct ultramarines are the most boring version of the most boring army which is space marines." -Noodlers

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Cool, see you later then

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