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Thread: swamp shamblers?

  1. #1
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    swamp shamblers?

    So the Skorne forum is tossing around 2 different ideas lately that they seem to be pretty set on for now. the first is using 4-8 reptile hounds with Zaal for huge damage in tiny packages for a turn. I'm really not sold on this one, as it only really works on feat turn, you have to juggle last stand between at least 2 models (and then can't use it on important things during feat), and you're still only talking about 3 pow 12 attacks each.

    But the other thing that has been buzzing around the forums is the ways Skorne may be able to use the Swamp Shamblers. My first issue with the shamblers is that they cost so much for a unit since you buy 21 models in one pop. So I'm wanting to hear opinions from you all who have either played with shamblers in other armies or faced them. I'm really tempted to pick them up now after reading some ideas on the Skorne forums.

    So what does Skorne get for using shamblers?

    First Skorne is really good at using minions. I have to look at the unit as 8 points (unit + task master) instead of the actual 6 cost. the task master gives the unit either tough and no knockdown, or +2 strength (pow 10 with CMA on the dudes, pow14 on the bokor). seems decent. There are three casters I would consider bringing them with:

    1. Mordikaar - mordikaar already brings multiple units of dudes to potentially feed the bokor, and then keeps bringing them back giving me more models to use for corpses. they won't be affected by the feat, but can be given ghost walk for better jamming maybe. the big thing is that it means I start the game with 30+ tough models (hollow swordsmen, nihilators and task-mastered shamblers). it turns the list into a very big jam threat, and still leaves room for void spirits and despoiler to get some work done.

    2. pHexeris - the cool interaction here is death march. I can slot in the shamblers in the same points that my swordsmen were taking up, and they seem like a good replacement for the cheap troops who move up and die. except these keep coming back. and the way vengeance and the bokor work together is awesome. vengeance triggers first, allowing for more corpses to be collected which then turn into bog trogs in the control phase. also mat 7 with CMA is much better than mat 5.

    3. Zaal - the issue here is that bog trogs don't give me souls or feat tokens. So i would have to reorganize my list quite a bit, since I can't lose out on the nihilators' souls. but, he also has something that makes them a bit more respectable. really the only thing he does for them is last stand, but last stand makes that little unit so strong. the unit charges in with +2 strength from the task master, 3 dice to hit, 4 dice on damage at pow 10. then the bokor takes his turn swinging at pow 14, using all of the bog trogs who have already attacked (and therefore are going to be removed at the end of the turn anyways) to buy and/or boost damage on his own attacks. the entire unit is gone after that turn, but the bokor by himself just got up to 21 attacks at pow 14 with 3 dice on hit and damage. of course the unit won't always have a full 20 trogs in it for that round, but even 10 extra attacks is pretty good.

    So maybe? they seem fun at least, I just have questions on whether the unit is worth 50 bucks. they're cool with Zaal, but that's like saying a unit is good with Denegra. I would proxy them first, btu they're a bit hard to proxy needing 20 small bases
    my blog - Skorne and Retribution

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  2. #2
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    I knew about the Zaal shenanigans already but the other stuff will be very helpful in the Shambler article I've been working on for bols.

    Also, the unit is $75 bucks. Unless you have someplace that will give you a 33% discount.

    Yeah! I'm helping!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    I'm neutral. If you are going to spend points on a unit that is not going to give you soul tokens with zaal I am so happy. On the other hand last stand on a bokur with possibly 20 attacks makes me so sad. Random question: does krea animus work vs shooting on bokur or is it faction?
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
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  4. #4
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    Paralytic Aura is friendly. That's pretty cool for big Bo.

  5. #5
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    yeah Skorne definitely has some good options for protecting the bokor. krea animus is friendly only, he can also hide in/behind the gobber cloud i have in 90% of my lists. tough and no knockdown on his unit means he can slough off small arms fire into his dudes a little bit more safely. still, protecting a medium base is always hard.

    bleah, $75 bucks... not sure they're good enough to convince me to spend that much.
    my blog - Skorne and Retribution

    "I am... unfamiliar with this 'Molik Karn missile'. Is it something I should be concerned with?" - PP Forum battle report

    "Luck is statistics taken personally" - Penn Jillette

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffinman View Post
    bleah, $75 bucks... not sure they're good enough to convince me to spend that much.
    Heh. And I want two for Rask's Tier.

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