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Thread: 2014 TexasWarGamesBoLScon

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  1. #19
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Beamo View Post
    Why are you trying to bring nids to a 30k themed narrative KT game?
    Yeah. I don't even want to play space hulk now.

    On that note, I'd rather play on the big board or the side missions. I've got Loyalists or Heretics... and a bunch of Xenos stuff I can bring.It doesn't matter to me. On a further side note, I can even bring my box of space hulk if someone wants to play that for side missions.


    Well, really I just want to go to have a good time and drink $2 beers at the table. I don't really care if it's KT or APOC as long as I can throw dice in a relaxed environment. I also don't particularly care about competitiveness in the narrative track. If you're looking to "win" at the narrative tables, you're signing up for the wrong event.

    Winning in the narrative is making sure you and everyone else playing is having fun. sometimes you hafta charge let your Terminators get charged by Abaddon and crew and have an epic throw down. Sometimes you hafta throw a squad in front of a stompa just to get in the way and give the other guy something to shoot. And you're probably going to be picking up most, if not all, of your models.

    So ya...I might just play nids, even though they are "terrible" - cause i'm going to have a great time.
    Last edited by AdamHarry; 04-02-2014 at 03:13 PM. Reason: adding stuff
    with 40k its best to get the rules straight then apply imagination and rationalize; you will only get annoyed doing it the other way round
    Pfft - math. ROLL 6's PROBLEM SOLVED.

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