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Thread: Extra Life Charity Events - 11/7/2015

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Extra Life Charity Events - 11/7/2015

    I'd like to announce a special event at Dragon's Lair. I was approached by the store to run an event for the Extra Life charity event on November 7th and I would like to invite everyone to come out to the store on that day!

    First, a word about Extra Life. This is a charity that benefits the Children's Medical Network, locally the Dell Children's Hospital. By registering for the tournament and participating, you will be helping raise money for a good cause. Read more about the cause here:

    Next, the event at the store will not be like any other event. Since this is a charity event, we will be changing some rules to target the real purpose of the event (to raise money for an awesome cause). First and foremost, anyone at the store can pay $1 to cause a player to reroll a die. This money will go towards the charity funds raised by the store. In fact, there will be a handful of methods of donating to the charity in similar fashion (I am open to suggestions).

    As such, this may have effects on the rounds that would otherwise target specific players (for example, spectators may gather around just table 1). Opponents will be paired randomly every round within the top half or bottom half of the rankings (depending where they are). Rounds will also be extended to 90 minutes to allow for leeway with the charity during an individual game as well. Since this is a marathon charity event, we will likely run 1 additional past the recommended number of rounds and make a cut depending on attendance. We may also have a break for food, depending on attendance as well. Current rules will be followed (eg please bring the old damage deck) except that charity rules will override the standard rules.

    There will be prizes for performing well, door prizes, and for raising the most charity funds. I have created a team on the Extra Life website and I encourage everyone to join and/or donate, even if they cannot attend.

    I have not worked out the registration fee with the store just yet but I suspect we will likely settle around $10. I will update the various postings of this announcement when I have firmed up the details.

    I hope to see everyone at the store to help raise money for an excellent cause!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    What game...?

  3. #3
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minus67 View Post
    What game...?
    Probably X-Wing since it's in the X-Wing section. (Not trying to be a smart ass)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DandyPandy View Post
    Probably X-Wing since it's in the X-Wing section. (Not trying to be a smart ass)

    X-Wing, Armada and Imperial Assault

    Is it 100pts? Please don't just assume people know.

  5. #5
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Just checking, can non-mods see the first post (by s1n) now?

    n/m, I logged out to verify.
    Last edited by morella888; 10-21-2015 at 05:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Updating - according to the TO (not me):
    "Few more notes: The event will be free to attend. Following the new rules, the damage deck chosen is considered part of your list. I am working to see if any of the 501st are available to attend and whether FFG is able to provide support. I will have a finalize set of possible donations the day of (there will be 5 options $1-$5). Lastly, prizes won't be as awesome as the last event because of the free entry and charity event, but there will still be some prizes to be had."

    Also, doesn't seem to be listed, but is a standard 100 point X Wing format afaik. Per the link, this will be one of those pay for rerolls, etc., charity type events. Dice roll at noon.
    Last edited by morella888; 11-02-2015 at 11:54 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Extra personal note - my birthday is the day after, so I'll be bringing cake. Even if you're not playing, feel free to stop by for some, and tell me to stop being so damned miserable about it.

  8. #8
    I'd love to see an Armada version of this, too.

  9. #9
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Mages sanctum has done some armada tournaments. Check on Facebook for austin xwing squadron, i know a few people in that group play. Afaik, the guy organizing the tournaments at dl doesn't play armada, but maybe the store might have info on a group there. Runs in my mind that tabletop in sa is doing an armada thing this weekend.

  10. #10
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigmray4 View Post
    I'd love to see an Armada version of this, too.
    Sending you a pm - I put your request to some others to find out about Armada here.

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