I think you guys are lying....
I just looked and all A wings are sold out everywhere!!!!! hate you all...
I think you guys are lying....
I just looked and all A wings are sold out everywhere!!!!! hate you all...
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
Have you tried Wonko's? They had a bunch of X-Wing stuff yesterday, but I didn't look to see if it included A Wings.
To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.
SpikeyBits has some A-Wings in stock.
Ok I will look on there.
Hey Jim, What do you think of this? :P
100 points
Ten Numb (34)
B-Wing (31), Marksmanship (3)
Tycho Celchu (32)
A-Wing (26), Push the Limit (3), Stealth Device (3)
Prototype Pilot (17)
Prototype Pilot (17)
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
Scarlet & The Pimpernells
100 points
Kath Scarlet (58)
Firespray-31 (38), Concussion Missiles (4), Ion Cannon (3), Seismic Charges (2), Deadeye (1), Recon Specialist (3), Slave-1 (0), Stealth Device (3)
Alpha Squadron Pilot (21)
TIE Interceptor (18), Stealth Device (3)
Alpha Squadron Pilot (21)
TIE Interceptor (18), Stealth Device (3)
View: http://x-wing.voidstate.com/view/180...he-pimpernells
Tweak: http://x-wing.voidstate.com/build/18070
When I get Tie-Is of course.
I think the B-Wing isn't out yet and Prototype Pilots are terrible. You'd probably be better off with replacing those two Protos with a single, kitted out Green Squad pilot so he can take Push the Limit and missiles.
I've hit the all A-Wing lists pretty hard and there's not much that's good. They just don't have enough guns for their cost.
When you play a game made by a company that isn't a giant d-bag like GW, people are able to make neat things like this. There's actually two or three other web-based squad builders that are just as good.
Hahaha, which is to say NEVER!
Actually, my version of that list is the flip (putting the elites in the TIE-I):
Soontir Fel, Push the Limit (30)
Turr Phennir, Marksmanship (28)
Bounty Hunter, Heavy Laser Cannon, Seismic Charges (42)
Fel gains a focus token when he gets a stress token (which he gets from PTL). Turr gets a free boost or barrel roll after he does an attack. Heavy Laser Cannon is known as the A-Wing eraser.
Heh heh heh.
Yeah, I'll have to say I wasn't too impressed with some of those A-wings. Admittedly, my dice were hot enough to keep one shotting some of them, and a hit point spammy all firespray list was probably not their target of choice, but they kind of seemed to splatter everywhere last night. I did like the shield enhancements on them though, it seemed to take them from being 1 hit killed to 2 or 3 hits.
For the first imperial list, is there any point to giving Kath the Slave-1 upgrade if you're not going to take the proton torpedos? Or is it just, hey this is free so why not?
where are you finding point values and card options without having the ships yet?
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."