Interesting. It looks like Feast of Blades is jumping the gun and instituting bans
I wonder I wonder.
Interesting. It looks like Feast of Blades is jumping the gun and instituting bans
I wonder I wonder.
Something something won awards in something something.
Me too and it's similar to what I have been trying to achieve here locally.
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
I couldn't move the other topics because my mod powers seem to have been down-graded (womp womp).
I'd ask that you use this thread to discuss your thoughts on power balancing tournaments for the benefit of the tournament director.
I know it's gonna get heated, but I'll ask that we try to keep it objective and refrain from mentioning gamer's individually (unless it's something obvious like I know x gamer only has y models and would be effected by z ruling). I started the calling out yesterday thinking it was a goof, then some of the tone of later arguments got caught up in the post and it made it look like I had a problem with the way Brandon plays, and I certainly don't think he's proposing bannings to improve his odds. Sorry Brandon; however Bandon was funny.
So, here's our thread...
I'll start, I am against outright banning, but in favor of Force Org restrictions and Mission Parameters that can control the power imbalance out there.
Turns out I could move topics, but I'm not going through and grabbing them all right now. Maybe after I do the dishes.
Well apparently I'm part of the problem...which is odd because I don't play very often and have won one tournament in the last few years...with the 5th edition tyranid codex. Truly WAAC.
That being said I'm against ban lists, obviously. If said lists are too restrictive I won't play. If the environment is all about policing the toys people bring I won't play. 40K is meant to be casual wargame.
I think we all should work on our language when we talk about one another. Chris and I talked the other day so I know he isn't saying you personally are part of the problem, just one particular list you brought featuring too many wave serpents.
I was up in arms yesterday, then I talked to Chris and right now he's a long way from banning actual models. His proposed changes are less about policing but more about getting a few things under control.
I am in favor of one force org for all forces for instance (unless yr at 2k, then you get 2). Etc. I'll let Chris talk about it.
Question for Brandon:
I don't play WFB but I understand there are some things that are banned in that game. What types of things are banned or restrictions put of tournaments? Are these things universally excepted or is each even different? This might give us 40k players an idea what a direction that has worked for another similar system.
Wrecking Crew Member
I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines
See, that list I brought had 50 guardians, 15 warp spiders, 5 wraith guard, 1 spirit seer, and 6 dedicated transports that happened to be wave serpents. There is no reasonable comp system that would make that illegal. I took 6 freaking troop choices, no heavies, and 1 HQ that clocked in at under 100 points.
One force org sounds fine. I'm assuming you mean everyone gets 3 heavies, 3 fast, etc... regardless of whether or not they take an ally? That seems fair. How would the newfangled formations work into that plan?
...are we also discussing escalation here? I'd like to see what happens with that crazy crap on the table. It might be stupid as hell, but it would be nice to see those Baneblades and Stompas hit the table. Heck, if someone is crazy enough to buy an Eldar titan I'll do my best to blow it up for them.
I guess I'd be less concerned if we had a clear explanation of what is being proposed...and the tournament coordinator not taking shots at me would be nice as well.
On my phone now, I talked to you about that list and you remarked that you didn't realize how unfun it'd be to play against.
The hope is that banning isn't necessary for that, but that we'll self regulate. I don't know the answer for wave serpents, more than three and the game logarithmically becomes unfun.