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Thread: Railhead Rumble Dallas March 2nd and 3rd

  1. #181
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hey Guys, I just wanted to say thanks for coming out. It was great seeing y'all! I'll be down in Alamo in a couple months and should be at Wargames after that, in the mean time take care!

  2. #182
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mike, it was great time!
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  3. #183
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thanks again for the event guys - I think the consensus from the Austin group is that everyone had a great time. The common concern I heard from a few people (myself included) was that the missions (particularly, ones relating to characters) could have been better - they just didn't translate well against a Xenos / Chaos Deamons opponent, where characters were far less common. That said, 6th edition is still relatively new for the tournament scene. Even if it didn't work out perfectly, I respect you guys for moving the mission goals to a mechanic the new edition centers around. It was certainly moving in the right direction rather than just playing 5e book missions (capture/control, etc) like a lot of tournaments have been - I look forward to seeing the next iteration next year.

    Also - thanks for sorting out the pairing system. I think there were very few Austin v Austin games, and most of those were at the point late enough in the tournament where scheduling didn't really give any room for error. I don't know how the other cities faired for playing out-of-town, but I know we did much better on that front. Thanks!
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigphoria
    lying and bluffing is shockingly easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug
    You say that, but if I'm dealt a Cylon card I've got about half a turn before Steve throws me out an airlock
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigphoria
    steve can detect his own kind. that doesn't count.

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