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Thread: Would you allow it? WoC/WHFB idea

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Would you allow it? WoC/WHFB idea

    So, I am already kind of planning and looking at my next army, and I think I want to go with Warriors of Chaos as something very different from my other forces so far, and I really love some of the models. If I do this, I am leaning towards a mono-Tzeentch build, only Skullcrushers are by default Khorne. I wouldn't necesarily always run them, but I do want the option of them.

    So, here is my question ... what do you think about/would you allow this - skullcrushers come on 50x75 bases. I was thinking of using arachnaroks (I LOVE the models), and converting some riders somehow and/or other converstion to use as Tzeentch version of Skullcrushers. No change in abilities from as written, but the arachnarok comes on 100x150 base. So 2 spiders would = 4 skullcrushers, and just track wounds and drop attacks once "1 died" but only remove a model once 2 had been killed. It would actually be a net disadvantage to me - the frontage of the unit would remain the same, but it would be twice as deep, and stay more wide, even when my attacking power was decreased, since if a unit of 4 actual skullcrushers would lose one model it would only have a 75mm frontage, but my idea would maintain the 100mm. So basically I am putting myself at a disadvantage to go with a modelling concept that I really like.

    So, my question is kind of three fold:

    1. If I showed up on Tuesday nights to play you (whoever reads this thread) would be be willing to allow it?
    2. Would it be allowed at our monthly tournaments?
    3. I know that no one here would have the specific answer, but some of you vets - how do you think TO's at GTs would react if I approached them up front about this?

    As far as the modeling goes, I am going back and forth between wanting to model some chaos riders onto them somehow (below is an Ogre version), or maybe converting it more into a monstrous creature ala the other picture below:

    one option 2.jpg
    one option.jpg

  2. #2
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    So if I got this right, you want to slap 4 50x75 bases together to form an arachnarok spider. But instead of using 4 bases use one base the 100 x 150 base. I think you would be better doing a diorama using 4 bases together and as the fight goes on you can move them about. The main problem stems from using wrong base size and having a fixed model instead of a unit. You can mess around with it some, but I really dont think it will work as you present it. But eh, I have seen more bizarre ideas come to life, hell I have made a **** ton myself.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    I'd be ok with it here locally. I don't see why anyone would complain about it. Oh I killed 2 of your 4 crushers but your letting me get all my swings still?! OK! thanks! Hell here locally I would go so far as to play it in our heads, like we know how the frontage should be after casualties and can reduce the frontage as needed without moving models, it's easy.
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
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  4. #4
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geist View Post
    So if I got this right, you want to slap 4 50x75 bases together to form an arachnarok spider. But instead of using 4 bases use one base the 100 x 150 base. I think you would be better doing a diorama using 4 bases together and as the fight goes on you can move them about. The main problem stems from using wrong base size and having a fixed model instead of a unit. You can mess around with it some, but I really dont think it will work as you present it. But eh, I have seen more bizarre ideas come to life, hell I have made a **** ton myself.
    No, I want one converted arachnarok I slap down to equal 2 skullcrushers (I would actually slap down 2 to equal 4). It would have the same frontage but be twice as deep, so the disadvantage would be mine. The wonky part of it is halving my attacks my not having anything to remove when one skullcrusher is killed by number of wounds.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Austin, TX
    It looks like you could put an arachnarok on 2 50x75's, so you could probably make a 100x75 base so you don't have the extra flank size. And then, you could just make a 3rd model that is on a regular 50x75 (maybe a smaller spider or a guy on foot swinging his dead spider around as his weapon) that you could use as the odd-man when 1 Skillcrusher is killed.

    I imagine you'd be able to play something like that anywh

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