So I've decided to finally build my all-bike dream army. I need 39 bikes and 4 attack bikes, preferably not assembled or painted. Figured I'd check on here to see if anyone has some laying around.
For trade/sale I have assorted battle sisters:
23 bolter girls
9 seraphim
2 heavy bolters
1 heavy flamer
1 multi melta
1 melta gun
4 flamers
2 stormbolters
4 superiors w/power sword
1 old canoness
2 rhinos with sisters livery
4 or 5 assorted HQ girls
fat sack of bits
Some of these are based and primed white. Most were recently simple-greened and are not on bases right now.
Asking 200 for the lot. Also willing to piece it out or trade for bikes.
Also have some marines I'm willing to part with:
AoBR contents- all primed black, some painted.
10 tac marines- some primed black some painted.
Rhino- painted
Razorback- primed black
12 (or 13) assault marines- painted
Again willing to sell or trade for bikes.
I will post some photos this evening and make sure the list of items is accurate. PM or text me (512627seven4seven0) if you are interested. I live spitting distance from the lair so I am easy to meet with.