One of the issues I was running into is if I'm reading all the rules correctly (horribly unlikely, it's a rough chunk of rules to just sit through and read), I can't fit a Tag, sniper mk2 and mk3 posthuman all in the same list (tag 3, sniper 1.5 and spitfire 2 points in heavy weapons for 6.5). I'll have to go back and scrounge through the books, but maybe drop one mk1, the mk 2 and a yudbot for a mk3 posthuman and one other model. That would leave me with a full 10 person group, only 2 posthumans so 9 models counting for orders instead of 8 in the group, and the chance to fit in one more weapon with a little punch (though I'm not sure if that's doable. I'm guessing most punchy weapons have a heavy weapon cost).
I was going with a sophotect and posthuman both with engineer because between the Maruts, rebot and tacbots I've got an awful lot of points tied up in robotic models. Is the second engineer overkill, or would that prove useful?
Oh, and Blackyujiro: as far as I can tell the availability of posthumans is technically 1, but that's a minigroup of them that has to consist of minimum 2 maximum 3 proxies.