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Thread: Makeda3, a little bit different

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    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    Makeda3, a little bit different

    Even before Makeda3 was fully spoiled the Skorne forums quickly put together "the" Makeda3 list. The core of the list is you take Makeda, Karn, a Gladiator, a Bronzeback and a Krea. then fill in your favorite unit that runs pretty well by itself (generally nihilators, but some people ran gators, and I played it with Incindiarii most of last year), some paingivers, and a couple solos usually a willbreaker and agonizer. I haven't seen many variations on this list, except maybe removing some solos for another light beast.

    The list fell together so well that i don't think anyone really questioned if it was the best way the list could possibly work. I feel like it might rely too much on the "live the dream" plan of throwing beat back on karn during feat turn and watching him mulch an entire flank by himself. I still haven't had that happen, except maybe one game vs cryx. Bronzebacks are great and all, but I started wondering if I could make a good list without one. generally my bronzeback is too slow to keep up with Makeda and Karn running all over the table, so maybe I need something faster.

    One option that I'm not feeling super great about it replacing the Bronzeback with Despoiler. I actually think he might have something to offer to Makeda, letting her upkeep vortex for free and possibly keeping her safer from magic with his lamentation animus (since all of her defensive tech is vs ranged only). she helps mitigate his hitting power problem with Vortex, and his base spd 6 + reach would keep him in the game better than a bronzeback. free 2 point solos popping up would also be somewhat helpful.

    the other option is to go with a bunch of lights. Basically screening Karn with a bunch of Cyclopes instead of a unit of nihilators. the list would be very shooting-resistant with 3 Krea bubbles and 3 shield guards running around. it might get bogged down with infantry jam, but Karn and makeda can handle most infantry on their own. here's the list (I'll try it at least once tonight most likely):

    Makeda and the court
    * Karn
    * Gladiator
    * Krea
    * Drake
    * Cyclops Shaman
    * Cyclops Brute
    * Cyclops Savage
    Totem Hunter
    Master Tormentor
    swamp gobbers

    I might swap in an agonizer for the master tormentor, but she offers a little more infantry clearing. I keep wanting her to work, 'cause she seems so good in my mind, especially when i see arcane shielded forgeguard on the table.

    the other possible change is that I can't decide what to bring for my third cyclops. right now i have it as a Savage, but I could also use a raider instead, giving me a little more shooting ability and snipe for the shaman or krea. the Savage just hits really well for a light warbeast and can give Makeda the ability to boost after rolling the dice, which could help conserve fury on an assassination run or make eliminator work better if i know which models to boost damage on.

    Any thoughts? I wish we had some more Skorne players to bounce ideas off of, but plenty of you guys have played against my Makeda list, so i'd love to hear what you all think of her.
    Last edited by muffinman; 02-05-2014 at 02:16 PM. Reason: spelling is hard
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