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Thread: Space Wolves & Sisters Armies For Sale

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Bullymike's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Space Wolves & Sisters Armies For Sale

    After my necron awakening, I just have too many armies. I will probably never get around to playing my Space Wolves or Sisters again. I'll be putting them up on ebay in the next couple of weeks, but I thought I would post here first to save some folks some shipping costs if they were interested. $500 each is a bargain for these assembled, mostly painted, ready to play armies. No, I'm not going to break them down into smaller pieces. Yes, it's a bad economy, but I'm not in any real hurry. They're worth it. Pictures coming soon.

    1 Saint Celestine
    1 Canoness with eviscerator and melta pistol
    3 Assorted Priests
    2 Gold painted sisters with melta guns (celestians)
    3 Gold painted sisters with bolters (celestians)
    2 Sister Superiors with power swords
    1 Sister Superior with power mace
    2 Sister Superiors with eviscerators
    31 Sisters with bolters
    4 Sisters with meltaguns
    4 Sisters with storm bolters
    5 Sisters with imagifer/standard
    4 Sisters with heavy bolters
    7 Seraphim
    2 Seraphim with flame pistols
    1 Seraphim Superior with Eviscerator and bolt pistol
    2 Exorcists
    2 Rhinos
    1 Immolator with exchangeable multimelta/heavy flamer turret
    2 Penitent Engines

    The sisters are 99% painted, with just a couple more highlights needed on the exorcist and a few of the sisters.

    Space Wolves:
    SW Codex
    1 Land Raider with multimelta
    2 Predators with autocannons/heavy bolters
    3 OOP Rhinos
    Drop Pod
    1 OOP Vindicator
    4 Long Fangs with missile launchers
    2 Long Fang sergeants
    1 Blood Claw sergeant with power fist and bolt pistol
    1 Blood Claw with flamer
    1 Blood Claws with power fist
    12 Blood Claws with ccws and bolt pistol
    6 Long fangs with heavy bolters
    1 Long fang with plasma cannon
    4 Grey Hunters with meltaguns
    4 Grey Hunters with plasma guns
    5 Grey Hunters with power swords
    1 Grey Hunter with plasma pistol
    1 Grey Hunters Standard Bearer (large standard)
    2 Grey Hunters with backpack standards
    4 Grey Hunters with wolf helmets (ran them as wulfen)
    17 Grey Hunters with bolters
    5 Grey Hunters with bolters and ccw
    1 Space Wolf scout with sniper rifle
    3 Space Wolf scouts with power weapons
    1 Space Wolf sergeant with power fist
    1 Space Wolf sergeant with power fist and combimelta
    1 Space Wolf scout with meltagun
    8 Space Wolf scouts with bolt pistols/ccw
    1 Space Wolf Dreadnought (old bjorn model) with magnetized assault cannon/plasma cannon/multimelta arms
    2 Land speeders with multimeltas/heavy flamers
    1 Njal in terminator armor
    1 Logan Grimnar
    1 Ragnar Blackmane
    5 Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield terminators (1 converted to be Arjac Rockfist)
    1 Ulrik
    1 OOP Ulrik
    1 Wolf Priest with bolt pistol
    1 Rune Priest with power weapon, runic staff, and buzzard chooser of the slain
    2 OOP Terminators with cyclone missile launchers, storm bolters, power fists (ran them with Long Fangs)
    1 OOP Terminator with twin lightning claws
    1 OOP Terminator with heavy flamer/thunder hammer
    1 OOP Rune Priest in terminator armor
    2 OOP Terminator with combiplasmas (missing CCW arms)
    2 Wolf Guard in power armor with combimeltas and power fists
    2 Wolf Guard with power fists
    2 Fenrisian Wolves
    1 Wolf Lord with storm shield and thunder hammer
    Plus a bunch of bits including jump packs

    The wolves include a bunch of OOP metal original space wolf models, are about 70% fully painted, and the remaining have 2-3 basic colors. It is a huge army and fun to play. Would be very easy to finish up the painting.
    Last edited by Bullymike; 03-25-2012 at 07:27 PM.

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