Several new Units and characters
Tomb Herold - Can be BSB and/or Body Guard for King or Prince
Necrotect - 50pts of gear, Adds hatred to Unit, and Animated Constructs get 6+ Regen within 12"
Necropolis Knights (Serpent Riders) Riders have KB and serpents have Poison.
Sepulchral Knights (Serpents) Get gaze attack
Warsphinx (Platform also mount for King and Prince) Thundercrush, KB on Riders, can be upgraded with Poison and St4 breath weapon
Necrosphinx Fly, KB, 1 ST 10 HKB attack, Can add poison
Heirotitan - "Giant lite" has 2 Bound spells and adds +D3 to casting value within 12"
Modified Old stuff
Chariots get ranks in 3's D6 impact hits at St4 + supporting ranks
Skeleton Horse Archers get Scouts
Horsemen get Vanguard
Tomb Swarm is Special now
Ushabti get options for 2nd HW, GW or Great Bow 30"St6 and full command
Necrolith Colossus = Old Tomb Giant with weapon options for Extra HW, Great Weapon and Bolt thrower type bow
Casket is now just warmachine with nice direct damage bound spell and adds +D3 Power Dice