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  1. #2
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Buda, Texas
    Abby beast alpha is pretty crazy. With feat / conferred rage/ and a slipstream you could get a 0 fury/ mat 8 pow 20/18/18 carnivean 13" move and 15" with reach.
    Otherwise she is pretty much a 1 trick pony...she has an ok assassination , but at only mat7 I don't think she can really take advantage of energy siphon unless you can get a knockdown.

    Bradigus is like evyros circle style. I could see spamming little constructs for synergy. and with the feat you can get megalith to a really stupid spot with probably a +5 synergy chain.

    Helga could be good with pig spam. Gang makes everybody hit hard. I wish distraction wasn't warrior model. Dash is nice for pig infantry. Helga with cyclone has an ok assassination if she can run a pig in for gang.

    Jaga with escort is pretty nice. I like spell piercer too. I would have liked to see a defense debuff so the beasts could hit something , but decent none the less. Her feat is pretty crazy kinda like phex. I am not sure how many models gators can really kill easily in a turn though.

    Xerxis is interesting. Mobilty in skorne is pretty retarded. He is a great molik karn delivery system. His feat means you can get molik deep in there with sidestep and not worry about control area and signs and portents is probably GG. Good luck killing xerxis at range in krea bubble...
    Last edited by Revenant; 08-14-2014 at 11:14 AM.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
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