Post your Escalation Hobby Progress here. I'll start, finally got a few Heavy Flamer guys built and am converting all my orange guys to the official color.
Post your Escalation Hobby Progress here. I'll start, finally got a few Heavy Flamer guys built and am converting all my orange guys to the official color.
I did the TH/SS arms for these terminators the week before last. The bodies were from the tactic terminators I originally did a while back before I knew that they weren't so hot. So rather than paint new bodies, I just did the arms from the assault kit I had. Eventually, I'll do the bodies from it and the other set of 5 I have still in the box.
Then, last week, I started working on a full bike squad and captain on bike. They were all on-sprue when I started last weekend. All of the arms are magnetized, because magnets. They're base coated and ready for shadowing, then highlighting. I also have a couple arms with gravguns to do before Thursday.
Got done with the captain's head last night. I'm not sure I'm totally pleased with it, but we'll see what it looks like after varnish smooths things out. Chest front is from the sternguard kit and the iron halo is from the regular terminator kit. Head is from somewhere else. I'll be using the weapons I already have magnetized for my regular captain.
Last edited by DandyPandy; 03-09-2015 at 10:05 AM.
Working on some Grey Hunters. All new fun stuff for me, just going slow.
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My captain is almost done. Need to do some details on the hand bars and decals, but I'm going to finish highlighting all of the bikes. Highlights for each bike is taking about 45 mins. I have two of nine bikes done so far. As much as I prefer to work projects start to finish, I may have to set these aside to work on a couple drop pods for the April team tournament.
Here's a CCB I finished for the league. Sorry for the lousy cell phone picture.
Looking good everyone!
I finally fixed the arms on my Chaplain and gave him a proper Blood Angels shoulder pad. Now I'm going to have to use him at 750, since he's the only thing that's fully painted.
I love the chaplain models and you've really done a great job with yours.
Thanks! I cheated a little though. He has been painted for quite a while-- used to be a Black Templar Chaplain and then got converted to red arms as part of a campaign where he was part of my Marines Exemplar army. Just had to re-black his arms and do a few things I've been meaning to fix on him. I shoulda put him on a bigger base while I was at it.![]()
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."
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WIP KHORNE!!! I'm hoping to get a game in this week with painted KHORNE!!! Sid, KHORNE!!! is coming for you!
Last edited by CRP; 03-17-2015 at 05:01 PM.
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"