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Thread: Nythera - Worldwide Campaign

  1. #1
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Here is the link to the details:

    Also, I set up a spreadsheet on Google docs for the locals to sign in on, just to help people set up games, etc. You don't have to sign on here, but figured this would make it easier to set up games. I will add a second sheet next week for tracking games.

    Each person is responsible for reporting their own game results to Wyrd, so you need to sign onto their forum if you have not done so yet. You pick which faction you will use throughout the campaign and will have access to a private forum on the wyrd site to coordinate with your group.

    If anyone would be interested in doing the rpg side of the event, let me know.

    Robert said a few had expressed interest in trying to coordinate a local campaign during this event, but he and I agreed that would probably just be really difficult to do concurrently. However, I have an old template for an achievement league that I could update and that could pretty easily be done within the larger campaign rules scope. And once people have had a chance to purchase and read the new book, Shifting Loyalties (which has a campaign structure in it), we can see about doing something with that down the road.

    Also, Wyrd is updating the henchman program prize support system in October, so I don't yet know what that will entail, but they had said it was designed to be able to purchase special prize packs for events. As soon as I get details, we can discuss further event planning and stuff.
    Last edited by morella888; 08-29-2015 at 04:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Made a new thread for this, I will try and keep an updated list here of who is playing what faction (for the campaign, same faction matches don't count).

    Erin (morella) - Guild
    Todd (RedArmy) - 10 Thunders
    Robert (HegemonyKricket) - Neverborn (best to contact on FB, doesn't come to centex much)
    Carey (TxPlays) - Guild ?? maybe
    Dimitri (dihochard) - Resurrectionist

    Also, I believe you do not have to be playing another person in the campaign for it to count, but I need to check. If so, then for instance, I could play my Arcanists against another guild crew. Maybe - will check and update.
    Last edited by morella888; 08-29-2015 at 04:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Add me as well.

    DimitriX (Cliff) - Resurrectionist

  4. #4
    Senior Member Warpaint's Avatar
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    Mike (Warpaint) - Arcanists

    I've also got all the rpg books, so will try to be up on that by the time that part starts, just in case we're still in need of a GM.
    Just assume anything I post here is meant in good humor and filled with obnoxious smiley emoticons ...

  5. #5
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Anyone up for a game at DL on Wednesday? I'd love to get a campaign game or 2 in to kick things off.
    ~The artist formerly known as Viscount Alexandru~

  6. #6
    I will try to be out there this Wednesday. I probably won't get there until 7:30pm or so.

  7. #7
    I'll be there on Wednesday for sure. And I'm going to try to remember to come on here. I just don't use forums a lot anymore. This is Robert, BTW. :-)

  8. #8
    Senior Member Warpaint's Avatar
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    Austin, Tx
    I'll be out of town on Wednesday, but hopefully will be around on Sunday or Monday (holiday!). I'm most familiar with DL but can meet wherever. I've played a bit and am still learning, so I wouldn't mind a smaller game.
    Just assume anything I post here is meant in good humor and filled with obnoxious smiley emoticons ...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Austin, TX
    I ll be out of town as well. Looking for a Nythera sanctionned game this Sat. or Sunday. I play Resurrectionnists.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2011
    I'll be there tonight with Neverborn- this is Shaun.

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