I have been moving around a lot the last few years and sadly I just don't play like I used to. I have about 1700 points of Tau, 500 points of IG, 500 points of Orcs, and probably of 500 points of Skitarii.
You'd be getting the following:
1 x Onager Dunecrawler
1 x Ironstrider Ballistics
1 x Rangers
1 x Vanguard
1 x Ruststalkers
1 x Infiltrators
If i remember correctly then only about half of that army is built, the rest is in still in their boxes.
1 x Cadian Defense Force Box all built with a custom made Harker (he has the IG body, but the arms and heavy weapon of a SM scout.)
1 x 2013 Battleforce box which includes 2 groups of Orc Boys, 3 bikes and 1 truck
1 x Lootas
1 x Tau Commander
1 x Riptide
1 x Broadside
1 x Hammerhead Gunship
2 x fire warriors
1 x pathfinders
1 x 3 stealth suit team
1 x 12 man team of kroot
1 x Cadre Fireblade
I should note the Tau were the only army I ever tried to paint, they are based in Black, with a few having been painted for an old KT event I attended.
For each army i still have the Codex (minus Orcs, i have the old Orc one) the 7th edition and 6th edition Rulebooks (you'll get both!) the weapon templates you'll need, two packs of GW dice, a few tools i have, plus two carrying cases, one is GW the other is a steel case I acquired. The tau might be a little beat up as they traveled with me from VA down here to TX, everything else was built here in TX.
I am looking to sell everything together, for the price of 600. Hopefully you find this fair. Any questions please message me on here!