H: Chaos (Daemons and Marines), DE, Necrons, W: Vostroyan IG, Valkyrie/Vendetta
I'm looking for some allies for my Space Wolves, in the form of 10 Vostroyans, including 3 flamers and a Sgt w/ laspistol if possible, or 10 Death Korp w/ laspistol Sgt.
For Necrons I've got:
Nemesor Zhandrekh NOS
20 Scarabs NOS
20 Warriors NOS
1 Ghost Ark NOS
For DE:
10 Warriors, assembled and unprimed
10 Wyches, assembled and unprimed
For Chaos I have a ton of stuff, and there's just no way to use it all, so I can get rid of some easily. Just let me know what you're looking for. I do have among my collection some 3rd ed. metal daemonettes, for example.