So, with Sweedish dropping into at least some GTs next year I'm looking at altering my WoC builds, which all mostly fall in the 4-6 range in what I run to now. Alot of the more common WoC units and such are comped pretty hard. I am playing around with the idea of a foot-horde, but one that's not too slow, with a couple of quicker elements to outflank and hit in the backlines, but I'm still having trouble getting down into the comp score range I would really like. Here are a couple of builds I'm looking at, can I get some feedback on this?
Diso-Lord (Chaos Lord on Disc), Mark of Tz
Flaming Breath, Soul Feeder, Third Eye
TOE, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm
great weapon
[avoiding the 3++ saves me 4.2 points of comp, and I figure 4++ rerolling 1's is still pretty surviveable, and with a lucky roll on eye of the gods can still get to 3++]
Exalted BSB, Mark of Nurgle
Scaly Skin
ToP, ironcurse icon
great weapon
Palanquin of Nurgle
Sorceror, Level 2 (unmarked) - Lore of Fire
Ruby Ring, Dispel Scroll
Chariot of Slanesh
Chariot of Slanesh
5 warhounds
5 warhounds
19 Warriors of Nurgle, Full command, banner of swiftness (halberds and shields)
8 Chaos Ogres of Nurgle, Full Command, great weapons
Gorebeast Chariot of Slanesh
5x Skullcrushers, muso + standard, banner of eternal flame, ensorcelled weapons
So, that list comps in at a 7.6, which is still pretty low comp score. The idea is for the warriors and ogres to hold the center of my line with support from the chariots, while the skullcrushers and disco-lord to cause havok on a flank and behind the lines. I'm concerned as this obviously is not the common netlists, but yet still has a bit of a low/tough comp score.
Now, another thought that I had (but I'm not sure if it moves the list to being too soft) was to drop flaming breath, a gorebeast chariot, one skullcrusher and switch from ensorcelled weapons to lances on the skullcrushers and that gives me points for 13 Forsaken. That's another core MMU unit, and would give me a comp of 10.7; yes that's then a weaker list, but it's also 310 victory points gained in each match before a single dice is rolled.
I'm feeling like my dwarfs are a safer bet to take, as my Bayou build comps in at 13.3 for a pretty tough list, and some alterations to possibly tighten it up a bit more that i was looking at still leave it at an 11.8 or so. I'm having alot of fun with my WoC, but if I compare the initial list up top to my dwarfs I'm talking an extra 420-570 victory points before the game ever starts.
Anyways, I appreciate any feedback on the WoC list(s) above. Obviously it's a tougher go to put that in some of our monthlys, or against some of the normal GT lists we see, but trying to look at this with an eye towards the possibilities once Sweedish drops and how it might perform in that altered meta.