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Thread: Iron Warriors and Astral Claws

  1. #1
    Junior Member hushrong's Avatar
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    Iron Warriors and Astral Claws

    Hi folks, I thought I would contribute and show some support to the forum. I'm getting back into painting with two 40k armies and wanted to share some of my progress.

    Right, Back, and Left

    A random Iron Warrior and the first mini I had ever painted to 100% (I usually just paint the main parts of mini and move on, skipping over a lot). This was with the previous GW paint range that I had gotten so used to.

    So now onto some Astral Claws, my unwilling guinea pigs for some colors of the new paint range.

    Left to right: The two on the left were done with the previous range, no big deal. The MK V marine was a test dummy for Runefang Steel and Nuln Oil for the primary metal colors. The one on the right was done with Leadbelcher and Nuln Oil. These guys will, one day, get a paint strip job and redone when I am more comfortable with the new paint range.

    My Centurion (Captain):

    I haven't done too much more painting. I got a little more done to the Centurion and painted up another Marine (who I feel I did a lot better on). I'll be getting more pics up when I get more minis done. Thanks for taking a look!

  2. #2
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    I think the Runefang is a little too silver for my tastes.

    Looking good!

    I might have to break out my Astral Claws and get more painted. So sad, sorry Huron.
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  3. #3
    Junior Member hushrong's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    I think the Runefang is a little too silver for my tastes.

    Looking good!

    I also agree about the Runefang (my pic is really bright though). I tried Leadbelcher, highlight with Runefang, and then a Nuln Oil wash/glaze. It gave off a nicer, metallic color. I'll post a pic of my recent AC tomorrow. Hope to see your AC soon, I checked out your blog and it was chock-full of greatly painted minis (I really like that shadowseer).
    Tired Gaming Veteran

  4. #4
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hushrong View Post
    I checked out your blog and it was chock-full of greatly painted minis (I really like that shadowseer).
    Yeah, that wasn't mine-- two of us contribute to that blog. It happens a lot, people mistaking me for the other guy.

    But I've got some Huron work in my gallery here:

    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  5. #5
    Junior Member hushrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Yeah, that wasn't mine-- two of us contribute to that blog. It happens a lot, people mistaking me for the other guy.
    I see what you mean about the blog! Your Huron is fantastic! His paintjob is great and I especially like how you did the face and the burn effects for his flamer. I'd love to pick up that mini, Valthex, and those new Apothecaries from FW to add to my small Astral Claw collection.

    Now for some pictures:

    Centurion Victrus Hellstrom:

    Next up is my Cohort Veteran Sgt, Mordecai:

    Really happy with how the metal came out, though I did go overboard with trying to highlight before washing him.

    Now for an Iron Warrior Aspiring Champion.

    Back pose of his knife grip
    Base with Eldar

    I built Mordecai and some of those Astral Claws quite some time ago and I used to the banner to help identify the Sgt. I never really used or liked banners but that opinion has changed. So I wanted to do something similar for my Chaos Champs. I decided to use extra bitz of other races as defeated opponents on the base to mark out my champs. In this case, some poor space elf became the victim.

    That's it for now. I need to build some Traitors and I'm going to keep trying to improve my painting. Thanks for stopping by.

    *Any want to help me out with why Photobucket does not crop any of my images? I crop them using their tools and its fine on their site, but when I post them elsewhere they pictures are still huge and un-cropped.
    Tired Gaming Veteran

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