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Thread: Springtime in Estalia

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  1. #6
    King Egilson,
    I noticed that during the events phase the honorable estalian people decided that your brand of totalitarian military industrial complex wasn't their cup of tea, and opted to raise the Warriors of Estalia flag. I am pleased to see that you have left a contingent of troops there to ensure a peaceful transition of power. One of my advisors questioned if you were planning on using your military might to ruthlessly enforce your will upon the resisting population, citing your previous months activity as evidence of your coldblooded methods. You will be pleased to know I had him buried alive (in a sense) under an asteroid for implying you were capible of such an act after just giving your word that no military engagements would happen for the remainder of the season. As per the blood in the badlands tablets handed down from on high to Moe Zess you are allowed to remain in my friendly territory, but should you break your oath and claim that provence prior to the equinox, history will forever know you as Egilson Fork-Tongued, the Jester King.
    -Andros the Astromancer
    Last edited by Kiwidru; 03-07-2012 at 02:19 PM.

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