So in my quest to break the lame 40k meta I stumbled upon a FAQ rule in the ITC format that all but hard counters quite abit of the trouble armies.(looking at you Deep Striking/scouting Grav)

-Abilities that specify they affect a vehicle/building, such as Tank Hunters, Gauss, Graviton, etc, have no effect when rolling armor penetration against a Power Field/Void Shield.
-A unit only needs to have a single model at least partially within 12” of a Void Shield Generator for the entire unit to benefit from it.

I'm sure everyone has their own ideas of how to use a void shield generator so I'm not going to go into that one, but the ability for any army to be immune to entire netlists for the low price of 50 points seems like its got some potential.

(Though I feel sorry for necrons....)