Sloth, sorry I am late responding but are you still in/up for getting our round 5 game in? I would love to ... I can't make it this week, as I am finishing up stuff for Alamo this weekend, but I could get a game sometime next week in, and I would love to finish this out.

To what others have said, I have had alot of fun with this so far, and being a very recent returner to 40k, it has helped me to get to know alot of new people that I don't see on the Fantasy side of things. I'm sad that this kind of petered out before the end, although I do understand that life happens.

And Erin, I am all for a campaign of any kind, I think it would be awesome. When I first got into the game (a lo-oong time ago) it was through a map campaign that was awesome to be a part of. I really wish we could get enough people long-term committed to a campaign to do something like that again, something more than just a loose/informal one.

We wouldn't need a massive community commitment, because something like that would turn out just like this one did. We just need a small handful of maybe a half dozen really committed players who know they would have the time and desire to try doing something a little different with the hobby. We could have a relaxed schedule as far as a couple/few weeks per turn so that it isn't a burden on people with busy schedules even.

Anyways, that being said, I'm all for any kind of campaign we could get going.