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  1. #9
    Senior Member noodlers's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
    Just reiterating, from what I said to you directly, I considered staying just to finish out my responsibilities. But it would have made me miserable I am sure, and my life is full of enough of that right now anyway. I am no in the mood to try and win masochist of the year at this time. And characterizing mine or Nick's decisions as some sort of rage quit is disingenuous and you know that.
    yea nick rage quit and he did it on the forums despite several pms from me advising against it

    on thursday you got there early, played your campaign game, hung out, went to jims with us, and everything seemed ok

    then on friday you put a bunch of posts up here about how you were not happy with the general state of things and eventually resigned from the campaign.

    so yea maybe we have different definitions of rage quit but if i see you literally 8 hours previously and you are happy as a lark eating an appetizer sampler and then the next morning you are talking about quitting the campaign and not just that quitting playing in same group that you were sharing said appetizer sampler i would say it was an unexpected quit if not a rage quit

    i wish neither you or nick had quit and i wish both of you would have handled it vastly differently but i respect your rights to do so. however you also have to accept the consequences of your decision too because basically you went on here and told all of us you were quitting and would not be part of our game night any more to which some of us took umbrage to because we had begin to develop a relationship with you and your boyfriend and hate to see that end over something i still could not explain if i were under oath.
    Last edited by noodlers; 07-27-2015 at 01:35 PM.

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