It was a while ago that I actually painted this, so I don't recall the actual colors, but my best guess is that it went something like this:
Airbrush RMS Templar Blue
Airbrush broad highlights w/ Shadow Grey
Airbrush highlights w/ Codex Grey
Airbrush The ridge with RMS Chestnut Gold (this gives you the "bronzing" which later drybrushing ended up covering up too much)
From there, drybrush with 50/50 Codex Grey/Bleached Bone.
--If I remember correctly, at this point, it looked too bright or somesuch, so I washed it liberally with Agrax Earthshade
Drybrush again with 50/50 Codex Grey/Bleached Bone
Drybrush (lightly) with Bleached bone, only to the areas you want highlighted (the ridge on his back, his musculature, the face, etc)
The Bronzeback is a great model, and the texture of the skin really does a lot of the work for you. I know that looks like it would take a while, but the airbrush really speeds things along. Being able to mask off the areas (Skin and Gold) made the model go by REALLY quickly, all things considered.
The first few steps with the airbrush are basically zenithal highlighting... The Templar Blue goes all over, and then the Shadow grey is sprayed at maybe a 45 degree angle all around, and then the codex grey was sprayed from directly overhead.