They do seem to have made an exception to their usual policy this time. Multiple tournaments seem to have already allowed the army.

As the starter of this thread I suppose I should clarify my thoughts on the list, I think the army is very good but not broken. The k'daai is broken though. VC are a bad army that is made good because they have broken stuff. It seems to me that the cd are a good army made great by broken stuff but still not up there with Daemons, Skaven, and DE. I just saw the K'daai's stats and kindof did a happy dance and wanted to troll some. huehuehue

BTW-on an entirely unrelated note, why on Earth are there still Skaven players convinced that they are allowed to cast Curse of The Horned Rat aka Dreaded 13th into close combat? There is a thread with people arguing about this on warseer that isn't a million years old.