Looking to sell my Retribution. All models are assembled on plain bases and unpainted, unless specified otherwise.
-Kaelyssa (metal alt sculpt)
-Vyros 2 (painted)
-Magister Helynna
-Imperatus (metal)
-Manticore x2
-Griffon x7 (1 metal)
-Dawnguard Sentinels, UA full unit (plastic)
-Aiyanna and Holt
-Arcanist x3
Looking for around $200 or Warhammer 40K Eldar or (new) Thousand Sons, and will toss in spray, blast templates; movement widgets; PP plastic Ret tokens; PP Ret dice; Broken Egg doge meme feat marker; & metal rings (3", 4", and 5") if desired.
Arcanists I have are Rasputina's entire line, and Kaeris.
-Rasputina crew box
-Kaeris crew box
-Snow Storm
-Blessed of December
-Ice Dancers
-Winter Acolytes
-Silent Ones
All are assembled and unpainted on blank bases; looking for 45% MSRP each; will reduce down to 50% if you buy multiples. $100 for all the Winter-themed miniatures.