Yeah, it was an unfortunate game really. I was thinking about it this morning and you got that charge into my cents in the top of 2, I counter-charged with another unit in the bottom of 2, and you got your captain on bike in on the top of 3. They stayed there with only a couple of casualties to either side until the game ended after the bottom of 6. The other pillow fight wasn't quite as bad, but netiher of us had real dedicated CC - your captain didn't have a weapon that could cut through my armor, and my warlord got dropped before his initiative step because my dice hated me almost all night, lol. Him swinging the force axe was the only thing that could have ended that sooner. And yes my dice sucked.

Regardless of the game winding up to be fairly dreary on the table though, I enjoyed playing you, anytime you want a game feel free to give me a shout, I would love to give it another proper go.