I just submitted the results for Springtime for Germany, the TO was struggling with real world stuff (gasp!), so I am helping out.
Here is the results:
Rank RHQ PlayerId First/Last Name Army Nationality
1 16201 Jacob Mayer french
2 107741 Mark Bayne german
3 100141 Bryan Koches British
4 7742 Justin Boyd German
5 11963 Josef Johnson Polish
6 112441 Clay Longino British
7 9005 Andy blozinski German
8 7744 Bill Brock German
9 7738 Everette Chun French
10 100551 James Boyd German
11 12437 Mike Travis French
12 11602 John Payne French
13 7739 John Anheiser german
14 12434 Phil Stiefer German
15 9007 Mark Reed British
16 9004 Ian Strauss French
17 7750 James Mundt French
18 Rob Smith French
19 5778 Brandon Sullivan Polish