I forgot to register.
That won't stop me from complaining though.
And, once again, the potheads forgot to show up and vote. Gee, wonder why....
The measure drew strong support from voters younger than 25, as the campaign had hoped, but those voters did not turn out in unusually high numbers, according to a state exit poll.
To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.
I was anti incumbent, especially if they had voted for Obamacare
If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong
I sadly will admit I have not voted. Nor I doubt I will, not since the last Bush bull**** with all the fraud and open corruption that goes on. It is very hard to feel your vote will do jack ****, when votes are not just hidden but also blatantly ignored and counted in such a way as to not merit. Add that to how the military vote is and being ex-military myself well **** that just makes it even harder to think your vote will do ****.
"The Machine will grind you down."
Inventor of the "Chris Noble".
Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.
"He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "
This is how I generally felt all during the bush presidency. I didn't even vote once during that time. It wasn't until when obama was elected that I got out and voted. I decided that if I make the effort, it at least wont be my fault if it is rigged... I did my part to get the people closest to my views in power. Even though it's pretty clear that they are all corrupt anyway... and if they aren't, they will be.
"It's rusty 'cause it's dirty..." -Thomas
Those of you who don't vote keep it up. It makes my votes worth more.
My mother was unable to vote until she was 38. So I ALWAYS vote. Even for dogcatcher. If you think our system is bad, try living under a true "one man, one vote" system. Specially when the one man with the vote is bat**** crazy.
Look at it this way Bushido, you - and many like you - cared enough in 2008 to vote. And that got Obama elected. OK, so you ****ed up, but hey; it was still enough to get him over the top. So individual votes do add up.
To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.
Well, I don't think I F'ed up at all. Unfortunately, there are still republicans in congress/the senate so no president is going to be able to do anything really useful. Luckily, Obama didn't ef it up as bad as McCain would have, so that's something. There is no way for the current system to work as long as money is involved. As long as senators and reps can make millions doing it, the corruption will never leave. Now that the republicans control the house though, it will be much more clear who's effing what up.
"It's rusty 'cause it's dirty..." -Thomas
And I'll bite, if only to agree with Bushido. I voted for Obama in '08, and while I don't agree with some of the things he's done since then, I don't think that I, or the other people who voted for him, F'ed up. Especially given what our other option was, but that's not to say that I voted against the old man and the crazy lady.
I think a lot of people out there forget what a truly ****ed up situation this country got into, in that they expect a quick fix, and when it doesn't turn out lollipops and marshmallows, they cry for the other side of the same coin.
As for the anti-healthcare spiel, yeah it's not a perfect system, and I take issue with some of it, but it'll be a damn sight better than the bull**** we've had to deal with.
Money is the great corrupter, and breaks everything in the end... hell, look no further than Rick Perry.