Necron inmortals still in sprue X4
necron warrios x 8 (8 scarabs missing the green rods)
night goblin fanatic x 3
night goblin from battle skull pass sprue x 20
leman russ wheels/tracks sprue x
night goblin x 7 not battle of skull pass
Dwarf warriors previous edition x 11
saurus warrior sprue 4th older edition x 3
spider riders not battle for skull pass x 10
spider riders command (2 figures )
dwarf thunderers still in sprue x 12 0
vampire count metal grave guard with halbers x 12 (plus 5 without halberds)
goblin x 5 still on sprue

assembled and started to be painted
5 chaos knights
10 hounds of khorne and karanak
chaos warriors with 2 hand weapons x 30
bloodletters of khorne 2 edition x 11
bloodletters of khorne 3rd edition x 25

looking for
any type of chaos escort ship from BFG

Wood elves
Plastic Dryads x 20

just about anything