H: Tau army and Dust Axis army for sale
Tau army is large and painted to a table top standard. Older models.
Here is the list
12 Stealth suits-older metal ones
48 FireWarriors
13 Crises Suits
6 Broad Sides metal parts
One FW commander Crises suit id unknown
Another armored commander but not as big as a crises suit id unknown
All painted
30 kroot
3 Krootoxs
Asking $175.00
This is not what the army looks like, this IS the army I am selling. It was bought, painted and never played. Cash offers for this only.
DA codex and Dwarf codex. Both are latest additions.
For these I am looking for $20.00 each or trade for latest Ogre codex or Star Wars miniatures (Hoth related stuff)