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Thread: Seems Chaos Dwarves are OFFICAL!!!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Seems Chaos Dwarves are OFFICAL!!!!

    So I was over at Lone Wolf Development, seeing whats going with army builder and stumbled upon this neat lil tid bit in the forums section.

    "Since on pg 105 of this book it does state this is an official GW list for "Chaos Dwarfs ONLY" I will be removing the old and very out of date Ravaging Hordes data set as the default list. I will however keep the Indy GT book as the alternate rules set. "

    So, the part you want to pay attetion to is "Since on pg 105...." This is in reference to the Tamurkhan book. Meaning we now have an honest to god Chaos Dwarf army once again. For those of us with out the Tamurkhan book or no want to get one the fine crew at Army Builder are hard at work importing the data. Go evil stunties WOOT!!!!
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Greggle's Avatar
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    Cool, I was looking at the Mantic site, and I really like their model's flavor. Would they be getting tons of warmachines and stuff, or is that a vanilla dwarf thing?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    I have not had a chance to read the Throne of Tumrakhan book, so not sure what all is in it. But my guess is that since it is Chaos Dwarfs they will have a fair number of machines.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
    Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I dont understand, lets say you wanted to play chaos dwarves in a GW tournament like ard boys, would that be allowed?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrjones View Post
    I dont understand, lets say you wanted to play chaos dwarves in a GW tournament like ard boys, would that be allowed?
    No, just because Armybuilder and Forgeworld say it is so, doesn't mean its official

  6. #6
    Senior Member cptjoeyg's Avatar
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    Really isn't official until GW releases it, either White Dwarf Article or new book. And the only Chaos Dwarfs list that he GTs use is from Ravaging Hordes.

  7. #7
    Fashionably Late daKing's Avatar
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    brandon not convinced!
    Wrecking Crew Member

    I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines

  8. #8
    Senior Member Greggle's Avatar
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    Isn't Forgeworld owned by GW? I was under the assumption that anything they did was official.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Chaos dwarves? Yawn

    They are only good for holding the chains on my Warriors of Chaos HellCannon! :-)

  10. #10
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    I scanned a bad pdf of it online awhile ago. Its pretty much overpriced infantry and expensive machines. The machines are devastating but you pay for them. It's really up to the tournament organizer if they get in or not. I know 40k tournies list whether forgeworld is allowed or not. I don't know why fantasy couldn't.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
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