If you guys want more of a Privateer Presence, seriously get people to sign up early and commit to the tournament. Talk to the people who play Warmachine and Hordes and tell them to sign up and pay right away. The more people we know ahead of time and committed the better we can be prepared and the more we can leverage barging wise with the vendor. We had a total of 10 people the week before the convention and all of a sudden we had an influx of 32 people.
We can't call up Privateer and go hey guys, we have 10 people coming to our event at Wargames con can you send us free stuff or merchandise to help support the event. They look at it from a business stand point and it doesn't make sense. Now if we have 32 people sign up and we are 6 weeks out we now have a different story. We can say we are expecting a influx of 15 to 20 more people than Privateer is willing to do help out in catching net new customers from other events because their event is healthy as well.
So in short, sign up early, talk up the event and get more people to come. Create leverage for us to use with the vendors and you can get bigger presence.
More momentum the community creates the bigger it gets.