How-to get a game at Dragon's Lair/Tenth Planet.
1.Show up on game day. (i believe this is Wednesday for both stores, I've done Saturday at 10thP with good successs.
2.Bring whatever models you have/want to play
3. ???
4. Profit

We have a large enough player base to satisfy the heavy-competitive or ultra-casual. I'll always ask someone I don't know if they want a 'competitive' game or a 'shiggles' game. (you want shiggles)
There will be games available from Battlebox (11-ish points) up to 50.
The only challenges I know of are that I always try to get a game in with Cody and Chris if I can, as I have yet to beat 'em.
Show up tonight. I need some Cryx on Cryx action.