The games were fine. I like having multiple missions, but I don't like having different sets of control objectives. I would say that some balancing of point values would be a good idea - if you run Purge the Alien and The Relic at the same time again, the relic needs to be worth more than 3 VP's. I was ready to play that game by just ignoring the center of the table.

W/L/D just doesn't work consistently unless you have at least n rounds for 2^n players. There's a slight possibility that enough draws will give you a slightly wider spread, but there's too much invested in the tie-breakers and the method for the tie-breakers was not very clearly defined up front. (In fact, my understanding is that Nick as of last night thought we were recording total VP's each game, not KP's. I never listed the VP's I got from a game, just the KP's.)