Quote Originally Posted by luckyjoemc View Post
^ I heard 1.5 Colette was a tricky master to learn as for 2.0 rules she isnt out yet but Som'er is, and from what I can see he is pretty fun looking. As far as tournament I would rather not jump right in either but was thinking that maybe if we had an organized league we could get a hench involved and at least have a standing group of folks to play. Look forward to meeting some of yall. Regards
Hehe, yeah, I just recently heard that about Colette too. I chose her mainly because she looks like she'd be fun to paint (typically how I make my gaming decisions, for better or worse) and since she was on the shelf at DL ... Hmmm, maybe I'll have to stick with Som'er at first until C's rules come out.

I'm fine with leagues, especially if they're relatively slow-grow. Won't begrudge anyone for moving faster though if that's the general consensus. Should be fun regardless.