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Thread: FOUND: warhammer 40k: the rules

  1. #1
    Senior Member Hogleg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    FOUND: warhammer 40k: the rules

    I found it at dragon's lair on 2/1/15.

    No way to really know for sure that it's yours. But most of us are to lazy to concoct anything other than the truth. Let me know if you recently lost your rulebook.

    My number is in my signature and it'll be on my person Thursday and next Sunday. After that I'll turn it over to dragon's lair.

    I know we're not all on the forums, but if your friend or whatever lost they book, holla.
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Your "booty > money > toy soldiers" logic is indeed irrefutable.

  2. #2
    A few of us where up at DL playing on Sat. I have mine but maybe it was rand0mnumb3r, morella888, steveNspace, or a kid (can't remember his name).

  3. #3
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I sent a msg to crp and he is passing it along to someone else who may know how to inform the kid. I pm'd.stevenspace too, in case he didn't see this thread. I am pretty sure it is one of them

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