Copy of some of the rules errata's/questions that were asked and answered in previous threads:

Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
So just checking regarding the 20k list:
Can just list transports separately and assign as needed to squads, yes?
Do vehicles that can be taken in squadrons need to be listed as such, or can we just list say 15 vypers and make a squadron of 2 or 3 from that total?
Free weapon swaps don't need to be accounted for?
Also, you had said before that there is a difference between say a 5 or 10 person squad, but can we have a +/- 1 or 2 models allowance to make points costs work if needed? So say I put in a 10 man Dire Avenger Squad it could be 8 if I need to free up 25 points? Or add 1 in to a 5-squad? Otherwise I may have a hard time down the road making individual lists work within the points.
Also, can characters swap equal/lesser cost upgrades? It makes sense that an Autarch could requisition a jetbike instead of Hawk Wings or whatever if he needs to ride into battle. I could just list 2, but my thought is the one acts as a named character and accrues the honors throughout, assuming the fat lady don't sing.
Also, what about the only one per list upgrades for ICs? Do we need to list these on each character? For example, farseer with spirit stone or Troupe master with mask of secrets? Or can we just list these special items once and move them to whomever would have them in a given list?
Last thing, what about fortifications? Is there a way to 'repair' these in between battles or should we anticipate destruction and list multiples?
Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
Yeah, hope that will work. Old codex you assigned warlocks from the conclave to the guardians; new codex they are part of the guardian unit. So wasn't sure if that was counted as an upgrade and hence would need to list units with them and without them just to keep options open.
And for vehicle squadrons, are we just saying then that you can take 15 whatever and either make them into squadrons or run them individually in the smaller lists?
Quote Originally Posted by Kaika87 View Post
Well... hypothetically, what if you're using a codex that pre-dates that trend of putting transports in FA?
Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
This may have been answered somewhere already, or not. For the allowed LoW, since the Alamo list didn't include Eldar or SM, assuming the LoW in those codexes are ok?
Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
I guess another version of that is, what happens if you take a dedicated transport and the squad dies? Can it be reassigned or does it have to run solo?
Ok, alot that has been brought up here. Let me try to address the questions:
The allowed LOW list from Alamo is for Superheavy LOW, it is not things like named character LOW like some of the SM heavy hitters and such. Yes the named character LOW are allowed.

My initial thought on how to easily solve the question of how to buy transports doesn't really port well into the AB/Battlescribe/Quartermaster world that many of us build lists with. I don't want to complicate things too much for people, so I am asking for input, but here is my initial thought. I don't want to just say "buy unlimited transports and assign as desired game-by-game", because I don't want to wind up with endless podded centurians or other such shenanigans. So, here is my thought:

For Space Marine players, or any other faction with an option to buy empty transports in fast attack or other slots, the 15 max applies to those purchases. However, all other transports can be considered separately in a "motor pool" for your army. Buy whatever number you want, and assign as needed to units to flesh out your lists. The tricky part of this comes with entering this in Army Builder. The solution I would say would be to buy them with whatever squads - you want 20 pods or 20 wave serpents, buy them in the program for 20 squads with that option, but you can assign them or hold them back from any unit you want (that is able to take them) as you make your lists.

In answer to what about a unit that is wiped out but a transport that survives, I would say that you can salvage the transport and assign to another squad for another battle. I don't want to add un-needed complexity here, so I am open to feedback, but that is my initial thought into how to answer the questions/solve the issue. How does that sound?

Vehicle Squadrons
I don't want to either encourage spam of masses of heavy vehicles, nor to restrict from someone wanting to run a fluffy armor list. So, my thought on vehicles able to be bought in squadrons is:

*buy them as you intend to run them. So maybe you decide to buy, as an example, 5 solo Predators, and 4 squadrons each with 3 predators. You actually have 17 predators, but only technically 9 slots bought. However, also ...
*This is one that I am open to discussion/feedback on. My initial thought is, if say your 4 squadrons are killed off and you have those 5 solo predators that you would be able to organize some of them into another squadron of 3. HOWEVER, if we allow that I do not think the reverse should be allowed. I.e. squadrons would not be able to be broken up, the reason being if we allowed that it could be abused to purchase over the 15 intended slots. Give me feedback on that if you want guys ...

Unit sizes and load outs
To start with the quote of the question posed above to me:
Also, you had said before that there is a difference between say a 5 or 10 person squad, but can we have a +/- 1 or 2 models allowance to make points costs work if needed? So say I put in a 10 man Dire Avenger Squad it could be 8 if I need to free up 25 points? Or add 1 in to a 5-squad? Otherwise I may have a hard time down the road making individual lists work within the points.

This is a tougher question. Allowing +1 I don't think is fair at any point, because you are getting free points then - you may pay for it in that specific army list, but your battle host is fielding models not paid for. I think then it is fair to say that you fan field up to -2 models if you need to, as long as minimum squad size is still adhered to. However, if that squad is wiped out, then it is lost whether you had guys sitting back home not taking part in the battle or not.

Also, can characters swap equal/lesser cost upgrades? It makes sense that an Autarch could requisition a jetbike instead of Hawk Wings or whatever if he needs to ride into battle. I could just list 2, but my thought is the one acts as a named character and accrues the honors throughout, assuming the fat lady don't sing.

I think it is fair to swap upgrades for lesser or equal versions. That 25 point lascanon can become a 15 point plasma canon, but not the reverse.
Also, what about the only one per list upgrades for ICs? Do we need to list these on each character? For example, farseer with spirit stone or Troupe master with mask of secrets? Or can we just list these special items once and move them to whomever would have them in a given list?
I hadn't really considered this, but I think from a fluff perspective it would be fair to swap them from character to character as determined to be needed by you warlord for a particular battle. The question would be, if a character owning that option died in battle though is it recovered or lost? Hmmm ... let me think a bit more on that part of it though, thoughts from anyone?
Last thing, what about fortifications? Is there a way to 'repair' these in between battles or should we anticipate destruction and list multiples?
I would say that, just like vehicles, if they survive the battle they could be/would be repaired for the next battle, but if they are destroyed they are lost.
Quote Originally Posted by Bal4eva View Post
What about summoning and evolving units.
I assume summoned units disappear at the end of the battle and don't join the battleforce?
What about chaos lords that turn into a spawn or a DP do they stay that way or go back after the battle?
Summoned units disappear after the battle. The chaos lord that turns is another issue I hadn't thought about ... fluff wise you would expect it to stay, but game-play wise I know that is a big part of the khornate lists and what makes them function and I don't want to handicap by limiting that ... I would lean towards saying that for the terms of this campaign that form is a temporary blessing of Khorne and that they revert to their chaos lord form after the battle, just as I don't want to hinder the daemonkin players in particular. Any objections to or thoughts about that for anybody?