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Thread: Wargamescon 2015 Narrative Imperial Gathering Post

  1. #1
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Round Rock, TX

    Wargamescon 2015 Narrative Imperial Gathering Post

    I'm starting this thread for conversation, coordination, preparation, and every other -ation you can imagine for the Imperial forces for 2015 Wargamescon narrative event.

    If you haven't seen it already, this is where you can find the army building guide for the event. Once you've taken a look at that and had time to think over what you want to bring, post it here. As folks post what they plan to bring, gaps will become evident and changes can be made accordingly.

    If you've got some fluffy fluff for your army, why not go ahead and share it?

  2. #2
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Round Rock, TX
    I'm Daniel. I go by Daniel or Dandy, but I seethe inside when people call me Dan or Danny. I play Ultramarines. The core of my forces are from the 2nd company. Yes, they are the poster boys, and I don't care.

    For the event, I'm working up two battle groups. These are pretty much the only two armies I can field in the event and I'm having to paint quite a bit between now and the event to field these. Also, I'll only be able to run only one at a time due to not having enough models painted. I haven't thought up the fluff behind the battle groups, but I'll be working on it.

    Deep Strike Themed
    Captain in Terminator Armor - 160
    - TH/SS
    - Digital weapons

    Chaplain - 115
    - Jump pack
    - Digital weapons

    1st Tactical Squad - 10-man - 220
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    2nd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 220
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    3rd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 215
    - Combi-melta
    - Meltagun
    - Multi-melta
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    Scout Squad - 120
    - 5x CCW
    - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer
    - Teleport homer

    Vanguard Veteran Squad - 5-man - 225
    - Jump packs
    - 2x Chainsword w/ Storm Shield
    - 3x Dual Lightning Claws
    - Melta bombs

    Assault Terminator Squad - 5-man - 225
    - 5x TH/SS

    Total: 1500

    Mechanized Themed
    Captain in Terminator Armor - 185
    - Thunder Hammer
    - Shield Ubiquitous

    1st Tactical Squad - 10-man - 210
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Rhino

    2nd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 210
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Rhino

    Assault Terminator Squad - 5-man - 485
    - 5x TH/SS
    - Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-melta

    Fast Attack
    Bike Squad - 4-man - 124
    - Combi-grav
    - 2x Grav-guns

    Bike Squad - 3-man w/ Attack Bike - 143
    - 2x Meltaguns
    - Melta bombs
    - Attack Bike w/ Multi-melta

    Heavy Support
    Predator - 140
    - TLLC
    - Sponson LC

    Total: 1497
    Last edited by DandyPandy; 05-09-2015 at 09:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ferro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Planning on two 1500 pt battle groups of Red Scorpions. I have no idea yet about actual lists, but I think I have enough painted models for two groups. I'll edit and post lists later.

    Edit: Eh. I have two lists, but I'm not posting them. tl;dr
    Last edited by Ferro; 06-19-2015 at 07:43 PM.

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